Floating In Love

A new song about unexpected love in unexpected places




Floating In Love


I don’t know if you love me                        but I hope

I don’t know if you see me                        but I know

I see you with each cell of me                   and I grow

Stronger by your proximity                        I’m floating in new


I’m made of nothing but time                     I give it you

I draw lines – you cross every line            I stand accused

You’re out of sight, I’m out of mind            insane in truth

Ordinary now something new                    floating in you


Winter light, seeing bright with second sight

Trapped feels right, pinioned hard by ancient rite

A moment held in time                              made of love

Antique breath comes light                        floating in love


The cars all rush so I rush too                   leaving you

Puccini plays, I should swoon                   you’re more true

I’m a machine on the A406                        eyes dead ahead

I’m just not processing this                        indicate left


Animal stink, I don’t think, I’m a trinket

A mammal instinct, indistinct, I’m in too deep

The moment lost to time                           made of love

Breathing is like crime                             floating in love




Clouds float in the sky, looking right seen down upside

The dazzling light chandelier suburban white

Repetition will not blight                             made of love

Moment lost in time                                    floating in love